The first cake was a doll cake (duh). It's yellow cake with vanilla frosting, and since I made it just for a very small family gathering at Chick-Fil-A, I used up my "old" buttercream for the filling. It was pink and blue inside! I even made the cake board out of scraps I had left over (you can see the flat spot. I'm so embarassed! But, it WAS just for family!) I baked the skirt in a Pyrex bowl (I have as yet to actually purchase the Wonder Mold pan, to my eternal shame) and stacked it on top of a 6" round cake. I used the trimmings mixed with some buttercream to mold the top to my desired height and shape because well, I just felt too dang lazy to bake another 6" cake! Dollbaby loved it and we had a great time. I love Chick-Fil-A.
The cake for her party was a little more involved and a little more fun to make. I had seen the inspiration photo of this cake a long time ago and wanted to make it for forever, but I didn't have anyone wanting a Tinkerbell cake. FINALLY! I got to make it for Dollbaby's Tinkerbell party. The lily is a fondant/gumpaste mix, as is the bow and grass blades. It surprised me how little time this cake actually took to put together compared to what I thought it would. Of course, the Tinkerbell on top is just a candle and not hand molded or anything, so that cut out time right there. The little mushrooms were so fun and easy. I molded them on toothpicks. The candles are those trick sparkling candles. I liked that they looked like bamboo or grass blades so they fit into the motif of the cake.
I made another cake this past week too, but it was a cake I've made before. It was cute and the party was at Cartwheels and Coffee, one of my favorite places in Richmond. There's always a good vibe going around there. Anyway, I could not for the life of me find my camera, so I had to take this with my webcam and it came out all washed out. It's a very fun little cake and I loved making it again!
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