Thursday, January 5, 2012

Updo on an Ugly Lamp

Today I went by Wally World and grabbed some paint sample strips and bronze/brass spray paint so I could re-do one of our living room lamps.  I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.  I might scrap the whole project and make a ruffle lamp instead.
The lamp looked like this

And now it looks like this

And sometimes it looks like this:

The shade was just a really fugly old smoker's home yellow trapezoid.  To make the four panels I used, I used spray adhesive to adhere the paint samples onto printer paper, then traced the right size and cut four.  I used spray adhesive to put the panels onto the lamp shade, and that was a nightmare.  Next time I'm just doing hot glue.  I love hot glue.  So anyway, after the debacle of the spray adhesive, I glued on ribbons onto the corner seams.  I do like it, but I don't think my hubby is going to be too hip on it.  We'll see.
*Update* When I wrote out this blog post, I didn't know if I really loved it.  Since coming home to a dark house and being able to see it lit up in person, I'm stoked about it and so is the Hubster.  It stays.  It's just so stinking quirky and artsy!

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