There's just a few things I've done since the last post. The one I want to talk about in this post is the last cake I did for Icing Smiles.
The party was postponed because Jazmyn needed to travel to another state to get medical care. Poor baby. When they returned, she had decided that Monster High was much more her speed, so I ditched Elsa (alright, she sat in my closet for about a month afterward, waiting for some little kid to want her, THEN I threw her out).
I was so humbled delivering this cake the day before the party. Let me tell you folks - I have a kid, and he's rough and tumble, he's hale and healthy. Nothing makes you hold your baby tighter than coming face to face with another parent's worst nightmare.
I emailed my contact for the family about a week later for more pictures and was informed that she had passed during her party. She didn't get to taste the cake, but I was told she was so excited and happy, taking all her guests directly to her cake and proudly showing it off.
Her funeral was packed with people mourning and the family requested that everyone wear something hot pink in her honor.
Fly high, Jazmyn.